Apple’s App Store reaches 25 billion downloads

A couple of weeks on from Apple announcing a contest to celebrate 25 billion App Store downloads, the milestone has now been reached.
Whoever either downloaded the all-important 25 billionth app, or sent in the first online entry following the download of the 24,999,999,999th app, will be awarded a $10,000 gift card (around Ā£6300) to spend on apps, books, videos or music.
The last time Apple held a similar contest for the 10 billionth App Store download, the winner was Gail Davis from Orpington in Kent. Apple will reveal the identity of the latest winner on their contest page.
Update: Apple have issued a press release revealing the winner’s identity:
“The 25 billionth app downloaded, Where’s My Water? Free, was downloaded by Chunli Fu of Qingdao, China. As the winner of the App Store Countdown to 25 Billion Apps, Chunli Fu will receive a $10,000 iTunesĀ® Gift Card.”
Congratulations Chunli!