Problems with iOS 6 Maps app causing iPhone user satisfaction to decrease

26 September, 2012 - Killian Bell
iOS 6

iOS 6 is a relatively major upgrade to the iOS platform, bringing Siri to the iPad and the iPod touch; making improvements to a number of built-in apps; and introducing Apple’s brand new Maps service. But not everyone is too keen on that last one. In fact, the issues users are experiencing with the new Maps app are causing satisfaction rates to decrease.

The problems with Maps have been widely documented since iOS 6 made its public debut last Wednesday. In some areas, maps don’t load properly — resulting in blurry, ineligible satellite images — while in others they’re just inaccurate or incomplete. This has led users to question whether Apple’s new service was ready for its public release.

According to a new survey of 16,000 people in the U.S. conducted by customer research firm On Device, those with iPhones running iOS 6 weren’t as satisfied with their devices as those with iPhones running iOS 5. The difference is small, according to TechCrunch, but still noteworthy — especially considering the improvements iOS 6 does make in many other places.

It’s also the first time satisfaction rates have dropped, according to On Device CEO Alistair Hill, who said in an email: “We have always seen an increase in device satisfaction as consumer upgrade their mobile operating system from one version to another.”

While we can’t be certain why satisfaction has dropped, it would appear that Apple’s decision to drop Google Maps in favor of its own is the where the problem lies. After all, almost every other area of iOS has improved thanks to iOS 6.

It’s a shame, because Apple’s new Maps app boasts some incredible features, like turn-by-turn navigation and 3D Flyover. If it was as accurate and as polished as Google Maps, I think users would be delighted with those things. Unfortunately, it just isn’t, but Apple has promised it will get better.

How do you feel about iOS 6?

About the author

Killian Bell is a freelance journalist based in Worcestershire UK. In addition to writing about all things Apple, he's one of the co-founders of the football site TitleTalk. You can follow him on and Twitter.