EA killing off Rock Band for iPhone at the end of May, will no longer be playable for current owners [updated]

While plenty of iOS apps cease to be updated or supported by companies after a period of time, I’ve never heard of one being expired before. That’s what EA are apparently doing with the original Rock Band for iPhone – owners of the game have been told that after the 31st of May it will no longer be playable on their device.
While the news is bound to upset anybody that purchased the game for £2.99 ($4.99) and the in-app song packs for £0.69 ($0.99), over the last year or two, spare a thought for more recent customers. Despite EA’s plans to shut the game down at the end of this month it continues to be available to purchase from the App Store!
EA are probably hoping that current owners purchase the 2010 sequel to the game – Rock Band Reloaded, but I can imagine some users may decide to spend their money on games from other companies instead – I think I would.
What do you think of EA’s plans?
Update: In a statement provided to gaming site Joystiq, EA claim that the expiry notification was sent in error, and that Rock Band will remain live.
[Via MacRumors]