Apple lining up iPad 3 suppliers in face of growing competition

26 July, 2011 - Paul Dixon
iPad 2

A report published earlier today, by Taiwanese trade publication Digitimes, claims that Apple are lining up a number of Taiwanese-based component suppliers in an effort to keep the next-generation iPad competitive with rival products – tipped to launch later this year.

From the Digitimes report:

“Apple is now more willing to adopt IC solutions from Taiwan-based IC design houses as it is adjusting the cost structure for iPad tablets in order to compete with an array of tablet PCs to be launched by rivals in the second half of 2011, commented the sources.”

The quote above appears to suggest that Apple is looking to reduce the cost of manufacturing the iPad 3, but does that mean cheaper iPads? Considering the current state of play in the tablet field, I’d argue that Apple don’t need to reduce their pricing to stay competitive.

Similarly priced tablets from the likes of Samsung, HP and RIM have hardly been a massive success. And, despite significantly cheaper Android based tablets being readily available, the iPad 2 is still dominating the market.

If Apple really are lining up new suppliers, perhaps they are simply looking to ensure that they can produce a better product – but keep the pricing structure the same as the previous generations.

When exactly we might see the next-generation iPad, is still open to speculation. Some reports have suggested Apple will choose to release the iPad 3 later this year, but a 2012 release would be more in keeping with Apple’s usual product cycle. It’s also worth recalling what Steve Jobs said back in March this year, when the current iPad was unveiled – “2011 will be the year of the iPad 2”.

[Via 9to5 Mac]

About the author

Paul Dixon is the owner of Macsessed. He lives in Lancashire in the UK where he works as a web designer. You can find him on and Twitter.