Japanese company creates ‘bulletproof’ iPhone case

If there was an award ceremony for ridiculous iPhone cases I’m pretty this one, created by Japanese company Marudai, would take the top prize. Featuring a 1-inch thick armor plate steel back, its makers claim it can resist a direct hit from a 12.7mm 50 caliber bullet!
Although having a bulletproof iPhone might sound cool, there are some fairly obvious drawbacks to this case. The armour plating adds considerable bulk and weight – when fully constructed it measures 138mm × 81.8mm × 39.6mm, and weighs in at a hefty 2.1kg – so don’t expect to be able to slip it into your pocket.

Even if you could put up with the bulkiness, there’s another problem with this design – while the back may be bullet-proof, the front aluminum bevel, and of course the screen, is not.

If you want one for your iPhone expect to pay around £406 ($642). You can choose between black or white versions, and each comes with a commemorative 12.7mm dummy bullet!